Innovation and Startup Pitch Competition for Credit Scenarios and Solutions

  • Contest Profiles
  • Program
  • Pictures

Introduction: This Competition aims to boost the role of credit big data in Chongqing’s smart industry, launch more credit applications, develop the credit service market, and let credit system to empower sci-tech development. The Competition is based on opening up Chongqing’s public credit information and data and hopes to address the demands for credit service in government, business, and society. Resources will be channeled from enterprises, universities, research institutes, and credit review institutions. It will be a platform where the demands for credit services can be communicated, so as to promote the synchronized development of public and market credit information systems. With this Competition, we hope to stimulate market creativity and vitality, explore new scenarios for credit services, bring convenience to companies and individuals with credit services, enhance the awareness of the public to understand and utilize credit while committing to good credit practices, and underpin the high-quality social and economic development of Chongqing.


July 27: The Competition is launched and online registration starts;

July 27-August 12: The Preliminary Stage - Contestants submit relevant information, register with WeChat official account “Credit Chongqing”, submit a Business Plan and Business Model Canvas as required;

August 12-14: Closed-door offline review session is held to select the top 20 contestants;

August 14-September 1: Semi-Final - Shortlisted contestants need to prepare the Solution Design Document, a prototype, and its Manual Book. 

August 21-22: Closed-door offline review session is held to select the top 10 contestants;

September 4: Award Ceremony - Representatives will be invited from municipal departments, district/county governments, and enterprise funds to attend the offline award ceremony.

 September 15-17: Result Presentation - The winning solutions and Competition results will be presented on the official cloud platform of the SCE.