Huawei Cloud (Chongqing) Competition of Software Innovation

  • Contest Profiles
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Introduction: As one of the major events of the Smart China Expo Online 2020, the Huawei Cloud (Chongqing) Competition of Software Innovation (hereinafter referred to as the "Competition") is jointly hosted by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. and the local government, enterprises, universities and colleges, and industry associations. Focusing on the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-City Economic Corridor and the national pilot zone for innovative development of the digital economy, the Competition invites domestic developers to compete and boosts the Chongqing-Chengdu area to build a prosperous software industry ecology by establishing a wide range of channels, cultivating technological talent, incubating quality products, and developing industrial clusters. With an open subject of “smart technology” and “innovation”, the Competition encourages contestants to submit works that reflect smart technology, innovation, and application that can solve real problems in society, work, and life.


The Competition divides contestants into two groups: from enterprises and from universities, and will organize activities such as online studying live-streaming and online knowledge contests with prizes. Contestants should submit works and attend the award evaluation as a team.

September 7-10: preliminary round of enterprise teams;

November 1-15: preliminary round of university student teams;

September 11: final round of enterprise teams;

November 18: final round of university student teams.