“Diaoyu Fortress Cup” International Cyber Security Innovation Match

  • Contest Profiles
  • Program
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Introduction: The Smart China Expo Online 2020 will focus on the innovative development of big data, and continue to create an atmosphere for such development. Centering on global industrial upgrading and high-quality development, it will jointly explore solutions to complicated challenges in the “post-COVID-19 era and promote the development of digital industry. Currently, cybersecurity is a trending topic in the development of big data and smart technology. The competition that pays attention to the pain points in cybersecurity is divided into two stages: online selection and offline final. The online selection is conducted in the CTF problem-solving competition mode, and contestants can log on to the registration website to sign up within the appointed time. Text messages with the platform website and login password will be sent to contestants on the day before the online competition. The top 20 contestants in the online preliminary will be selected for the offline final, which will adapt JAD mode, that is, the problem-solving competition + offensive/defensive competition.


August 13: Meeting of the Competition Organizing Committee

August 14: Document issuing and press release;

August 14-25: Online registration;

August 27: Online preliminary;

September 8-9: Offline final;

September 17: Award ceremony